“The Campaign for Methodist University – Building Excellence”
In Methodist University’s history, there has never before been an undertaking like “The Campaign for Methodist University – Building Excellence.” This exciting enterprise will bring about a new era at Methodist University, creating signature facilities with both new construction and the renovation and expansion of buildings that have been in use since the University opened.
Many of the goals included in the campaign are related to the Master Plan, a comprehensive 20-year guide for campus growth and development approved in 2012, the first of its kind for the University. As well as bricks and mortar, the campaign is also raising money for endowment and operating funds.
Brick Campaign – Leave Your Mark on MU!
Alumni, students, and friends of Methodist University are invited to make their mark on the MU campus through the purchase of a personalized engraved brick. Your brick will be part of a beautiful plaza that students see every time that they visit Davis Memorial Library. The library, located on the south end of the campus’ central mall, is a beautiful facility with a terraced lawn, perfect for outdoor studying! Home to approximately 124,500 volumes and electronic journals, the library is the place to find just about anything you want to know. A beautifully designed brick area, with the historic Methodist College seal as its centerpiece, is the focal point of the library entrance. Your name, carved in a brick and placed in the plaza, will symbolize the spirit you felt when you were at Methodist—the same spirit still present on the campus today!
What a wonderful way to offer encouragement to students. At the same time, you can honor or pay tribute to someone important to you through your brick’s inscription. Alumni may purchase a brick to commemorate their school years, a parent may honor a graduate or future graduate, or alumni may honor a special faculty member. A brick is a permanent means of honoring something or someone special in your life.
Bricks are ideal graduation and birthday gifts and provide a meaningful way to honor or memorialize a friend or relative. Each brick will accommodate three lines of engraving and up to 16 characters per line, including spacing and punctuation.
Proceeds from the purchase of bricks support the annual fund, a key revenue source for Methodist’s operating budget. Annual fund gifts go to work immediately, helping all students. Because these gifts are unrestricted, they can be used where they are needed most. Annual giving dollars are raised and spent in the same year. View a brochure of the campaign here.
For more information, please contact the Advancement Office at 910.630.7200 or 800.488.7110 ext. 7200 or email kdockery@methodist.edu.
Loyalty Campaign for Student Scholarships
The Loyalty Campaign represents a key time when the local community can directly support Methodist University. Every February, requests are made for financial contributions to the University, with all funds directly supporting student scholarships. This has a major impact, as 95 percent of MU students receive financial aid. Without your help, many students striving to achieve life’s dreams and aspirations would find it impossible to attend Methodist University.
In the 2019-20 academic year, Methodist awarded $23 million in financial aid to students. Many of our students would not have access to an education from Methodist University without the investment that individuals and businesses make every year through the Loyalty Campaign. Higher education is a key component of building a stronger community and nation. Your financial contribution will positively impact future generations.