Ways to Stay Connected with MU
Whether you are longstanding alumni with proven success, alumni fresh out of graduation, or somewhere in between, there are no shortage of ways to embrace Methodist University and stay connected. Learn more by exploring our many options below!
Continuing Your Education
We want alumni to consider themselves lifelong learners and choose Methodist University when they are ready to continue their education or seek a certification.
Supporting MU
The success of Methodist University would not be possible without the support of our alumni. Make a difference today!
Visit MU
Homecoming isn’t the only time you’re more than welcome to come back to campus. Check out our events across the year to stay connected with us!
Volunteer at MU
Whether it’s through the Board of Trustees, Alumni Association, the Founders Council, or other groups, there are many opportunities for those looking to volunteer their time for MU.
Interested? Fill out this quick survey.
Career Connections
Methodist University has a growing network of alumni. Whether you’re looking to hire or be hired, we are here to help.
- Alumni Employers
- Alumni Job Seekers
- Create a Handshake Account (use Methodist.edu email). Alumni can still join Handshake without a Methodist.edu email, but the account will be pending until approved.
- How to Update the Account with a Personal Email Address
Questions? Contact Taylor Vann at [email protected] or 910.630.7334.