As we enter the final stages of spring semester, Methodist University students are spending a lot of their time studying.

As we enter the final stages of spring semester, Methodist University students are spending a lot of their time studying.

So, MU decided to ask students: “What is your favorite study spot on campus?” Of course, we had some expected answers like Davis Memorial Library and McLean Health Sciences Building, but MU students also revealed some secret spots to crack open a book or laptop for class.

Jake Tingom ’25

Doctor of Physical Therapy

“Probably McLean Health Sciences Building or Davis Memorial Library.”


Hailey Whitter ’25

Doctor of Occupational Therapy

“The comfy chairs in the back corner [of McLean Health Sciences Building]. I can lounge and study at the same time.”


Hannah Wheeless ’26

Doctor of Occupational Therapy

“McLean Health Sciences Building.”


Diana Debrram ’25

Physician Assistant Studies

“We love to study in our [Stout Physician Assistant] Lounge. We spend many countless hours and nights there.”


Alyssa Ferrence ’25

Physician Assistant Studies

“The [Stout Physician Assistant Lounge] just got renovated so it’s one of our favorite places to hang out.”


Stephanie Shear ’26


“Davis Memorial Library.”


Landon Faircloth ’27

Sports Management and Marketing

“Probably North [Hall], third floor lobby.”


Anthony McGhee ’27

Computer Science

“Definitely the Davis Memorial Library on the second floor. The best spot.”


Anuja Sonnad ’27

Business Administration

“Davis Memorial Library. That’s my second house.”


Ben Jenkins ’24

Mass Communications

“Davis Memorial Library.”


Sile Hernandez ’26

Healthcare Administration

“Davis Memorial Library.”


Luis Melendez ’26

Graphic Design

“My favorite study spot is the Commuter Lounge. It’s always quiet and peaceful. It’s great.”


Gabriela Manolias ’26

Graphic Design

“I like to go upstairs [in Davis Memorial Library] in one of those cubicles. I enjoy being in there because it’s like a confined space and I feel more relaxed.”


Daniella Westover ’26


“There’s actually a larger computer lab in [Hendricks 102]. That’s a really good place to study.”