Kaitlyn Lusk

The Methodist University Friends of Music will present world-renowned vocalist Kaitlyn Lusk Nov. 6 at 7:30 p.m. in Hensdale Chapel.

The Methodist University Friends of Music will present world-renowned vocalist Kaitlyn Lusk Nov. 6 at 7:30 p.m. in Hensdale Chapel. This event is free and open to the public.

Lusk is best known for her live and recorded performances in the Lord of the Rings Symphony and Gladiator Live for Hans Zimmer. She has been the featured vocal soloist in Howard Shore’s Lord of the Rings Symphony since 2004, and has performed the role with more than 50 of the world’s orchestras.

Luckily for Fayetteville, Lusk currently resides in the area with her husband, who is stationed at Fort Bragg. That will change next year, however, as he is moved to another location.

“What’s awesome to me about Kaitlyn, professionally, is that she is involved in an area of music that is really still quite new, in terms of professional concert appearances, and that’s of live staged appearances of movies,” said Dr. Michael Martin, associate professor of music at Methodist. “Her solo work in Lord of the Rings is just impeccable, it’s amazing. People should have the opportunity to come hear her, and see her, before she leaves Fayetteville.”

Before the concert, Lusk will also teach a master class with Methodist students.

For more information, contact Linda Volman at 910.630.7100 or [email protected].