Student Services
Methodist University understands that your success as a student depends on a great many things. We offer a number of services on campus to help you succeed as a student, but much more. Many services for students encourage you to become an active part of the community and make the most of your college experience. See below for numerous resources that support your life at MU.
Explore Services for Students
Finding Your “One Thing”
Are you looking to get involved on campus? Are you looking for a way to meet new friends? Methodist University offers many ways to get involved in something bigger than yourself!
Living & Growing in the Community
Methodist University seeks to foster a safe, inclusive environment that encourages the physical and mental well-being of every student.
One Stop
Methodist University wants to do everything we can to make sure you succeed. In addition to all of the services listed below, visit One Stop to learn about Internships, Student Employment, and Testing.
More Campus Services
Most campus offices provide services for students. Whether you are looking for information on financial aid, paying your bill, computers on campus, or just checking mail, look below.