
Know More logoAt Methodist University, primary prevention is our highest goal when addressing sexual violence. This means that we offer educational programs and support services that challenge the beliefs, biases, and behaviors that perpetuate sexual violence. On Methodist University’s campus, faculty, staff, and students are working together to create a climate in which sexual violence is impermissible and speaking out against sexual violence is the norm.

When sexual violence does occur, however, we are dedicated to responding in a timely and sensitive manner, ensuring that all involved are aware of the resources available on campus.

This site is designed to:

  • Connect those who have experienced sexual violence to the support resources and reporting resources they need
  • Inform Methodist University faculty, staff, and students about how sexual violence is defined and addressed on campus
  • Help Methodist University community members to be positive support people and active bystanders

Please use the information provided here to help yourself, help a friend, and help make Methodist University a safe space for everyone.

Student Conduct Institute Training

Methodist University is an institutional member of the Student Conduct Institute (SCI) of the State University of New York, which provides training for staff.

Campus Resources

Reporting Resources

Dr. Clifton Bobbitt Dr. William Walker
Dr. Clifton Bobbitt Dr. William Walker

Emergency Contacts

  • Methodist University Police & Public Safety/Welcome Center, 910.630.7098 (24 hours)

Confidential Resources

Medical Care

Support Services

Contact with Questions about this Site

Clifton Bobbitt, Ed.D.

Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs; Associate Dean of Students; Interim Title IX Coordinator
Dr. Clifton Bobbitt