Counting the Days: December 14, 2024
Scott Bullard, M.B.A.
Chief of Staff
Methodist University Cape Fear Valley Health School of Medicine
It might seem unusual that thoughts of past summers come to mind in this Advent season when I reflect on John 1:1-8. I recall the joy I felt as a preschool child walking on the beach at night with family and friends. The familiar flash of a lighthouse in the distance was memorizing then and it remained captivating as I grew up. I could not comprehend the source of the light at first because my parents took me to visit the lighthouse in the daytime. I was unable to see the light from the source and was skeptical until we passed by after dark one night. It was the night lightshow that emanated from the lighthouse lens that put everything in perspective for me.
My adult self looks back at how mariners trusted the flash of the light to navigate safely around hazards even though they may have not seen the lighthouse structure. Scripture affirms Jesus as the “Light” and the role John the Baptist played in preparing for the birth of the Savior by telling all about the Light so they might believe (v. 4, 7). Therefore, as we celebrate the birth of Christ in the days ahead, I hope that you receive the light that defies any darkness in your path (v. 5) and share it with everyone as the lighthouse does in all directions. Our role as a beacon aligns well with Methodist University’s mission traditions and educational journey. Also, I suspect John the Baptist and Bishop Francis Asbury would agree.