The Jeanne Clery Campus Safety Act

The Jeanne Clery Campus Safety Act is the result of a young college student by the name of Jeanne Clery found murdered inside her Lehigh University dorm room in 1986. As a result, Jeanne Clery’s parents, Connie and Howard Clery, committed themselves to create enduring change on University sites mandating the published reports of crimes. In 1990, Congress approved the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act, which was later renamed in Jeanne’s memory, the Jeanne Clery Act, which took effect in 1991. In 2025, this law was renamed the Jeanne Clery Campus Safety Act

Clery Act Notification for Prospective/Current Students & Employees

The Methodist University Annual Security Report includes statistics for the previous three years concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus, in certain off-campus buildings owned or controlled by the University, and on public property immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus. This report also includes institutional policies concerning campus security, alcohol and drug use, crime prevention, the reporting of crimes, timely warning of crimes, sexual violence and policies relating to personal safety at Methodist University. The Methodist University Annual Security and Fire Report includes MU’s fire reporting statistics and policies. This link is available to the entire Methodist University community and for public viewing for potential students and employees as well.

For hard copies of this publication, please contact/visit: Methodist University Public Safety Department at the Campus Services Building located at 5400 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, NC 28311. ATTN: Lt. Janet L. Bird at 910.630.7554 or [email protected].

Campus Law Enforcement & Public Safety

Methodist University Law Enforcement Officers have full powers of arrest under the State of North Carolina general statues they are sworn to uphold.  The Law Enforcement Jurisdiction is exclusive to property owned and controlled by Methodist University. All Methodist University sworn law enforcement officers are continuously trained throughout the year with mandated in-service training required by the North Carolina Training and Standards division in Raleigh.  They are additionally trained above the state mandated level of training as needs arise as incidents continue to happen around the world.

Methodist University Unarmed Public Safety Officers have the authority to enforce school rules only.  The Public Safety officers are required to attend a mandated 16-hour block of instruction which meets the North Carolina State certification requirements.  Each Public Safety officer receives additional training above the state mandated level that is exclusive to the issues that concern Methodist University.

In addition to notification of crimes to campus law enforcement and/or Public Safety, below is a list of Campus Security Authorities that you can also reach out to and contact in order to report Clery reportable crimes.

Campus Security Authority (CSA’s) for Clery Reportable Crimes

  • President of the University, Dr. Stanley T. Wearden
  • Provost, Dr. Suzanne Blum Malley
  • Vice President for Student Affairs, Dr. William Walker
  • Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs/Associate Dean of Students & Interim Title IX Coordinator, Dr. Clifton Bobbitt
  • Director of Housing and Residence Life, Ms. Jananne “Nan” Fiebig
  • Assistant Director of Housing and Residence Life, Ms. Leteshia Mercer
  • Residential Coordinators
  • Resident Assistants
  • Faculty Members
  • Staff Members

Clery Reportable Crimes

  • Murder
  • Rape
  • Fondling
  • Incest
  • Statutory Rape
  • Robbery
  • Aggravated Assault
  • Burglary
  • Motor Vehicle Theft
  • Manslaughter
  • Arson
  • Domestic Violence
  • Dating Violence
  • Stalking
  • Hazing
  • Liquor Law Violations
  • Drug Abuse Violations
  • Weapons Possessions

Jeanne Clery Campus Safety Act Requirements for Universities

  • Collect, classify and count crime reports and crime statistics.
  • Issue campus alerts (Timely Warning/Emergency Notifications) to provide the campus community with information necessary to make informed decisions about their health and safety.
  • Publish an Annual Security Report containing safety- and security-related policy statements and crime statistics and distribute it to all current students and employees.
  • Publish an annual fire safety report containing policy statements as well as fire statistics associated with each on-campus student housing facility.
  • Submit crime statistics to Department of Education each year by type and location.
  • Maintain a daily crime log of alleged criminal incidents that is open to the public.
  • Disclose missing student notification procedures that pertain to students residing in the residence hall facilities.
  • Keep a fire log that is open to public inspection.
  • Submit fire statistics to Department of Education each fall in the Web-based data collection.
  • Designates certain members of the university community as Campus Security Authorities.
  • Provide ongoing prevention and awareness programs.