Methodist University students are invited to participate in Projects for Peace. The invitation is extended to selected American colleges and universities in the Davis United World College Scholars Program (of which Methodist University is one). It is an opportunity for all undergraduates to design their grassroots project for peace that they themselves will implement in the summer semester. Through a competition of over 90 campuses, the 100 most achievable projects will be selected for funding at $10,000 each.

Davis Projects for Peace is funded by the estate of the late Kathryn W. Davis, a lifelong internationalist and philanthropist (who earned a B.A. from Wellesley, an M.A. from Columbia, and a Ph.D. from the University of Geneva). She was the mother of Shelby M.C. Davis, who funds the Davis UWC Scholars Program currently involving 94 American colleges and universities. Mrs. Davis felt some urgency to spark initiatives for building prospects for peace in the world and so she committed $1 million to fund one hundred $10,000 projects for peace. She believed that today’s youth—tomorrow’s leaders—ought to be challenged to formulate and test their own ideas.

Past Davis Projects for Peace

Projects for Peace Forms

Timetables for Proposals & Decisions

  • All students must submit proposals to the Global Education Office at [email protected] by 8 a.m. on Jan. 19, 2024.
  • Proposals will be presented to the selection committee on Jan. 25, 2024.
  • Find out the project winner on March 6, 2024.
  • Carry out the project over Summer 2024.
  • Present project results at MU in September 2024.

Frequently Asked Questions

There is no specific definition for candidates as such stipulations may limit imagination. The students have to define what a “project for peace” might be themselves. The project should encourage creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. The overall program is to be worldwide in scope and impact. It can be undertaken anywhere and as grassroots as desired, including the U.S.

Undergraduate students at Methodist University (including seniors who would complete their projects after graduation) are eligible. Groups of students from the same campus, as well as individual students, may submit proposals. You do not have to be a UWC Scholar to be eligible.

While Davis funding per project is limited to $10,000, projects with larger budgets are welcome as is co-funding from other sources (such as other philanthropists, a college or university, foundation, NGO/PVO or students’ own fundraising).

To be considered, a student (or group of students) must prepare a written statement which describes the project (who, what, where, how) including expected outcomes and prospects for future impact (not to exceed two pages) as well as a budget (one separate page). Proposals should include pre-approval of all involved parties and organizations involved in the project. The two-page proposal and one-page budget should be submitted electronically to the designated official at each campus as outlined below. This application should be submitted to [email protected] no later than January 19, 2024.

Each involved campus has a designated official to coordinate the process on each campus. This official, in ways s/he deems appropriate, will guide the internal campus procedures for announcing and promoting the opportunity to students, organizing the selection committee to evaluate the proposals submitted, communicating results on a timely basis to the Davis UWC Scholars office, and distributing the awarded grant funds for the winning proposal(s) on campus. Final review and approval of all recommended proposals from individual campuses rests solely with the office of the Davis UWC Scholars Program which will then forward the appropriate grant funds to each school with winning project(s).

The intention is to fund the projects, with at least one at each of the Davis UWC Scholar schools. Therefore, all involved schools are invited to select and submit one proposal for funding and one alternate proposal that might be funded as well. Final decisions on all grants are made by the Davis UWC Scholars Program office. Grants are made upon assurance that the project proposed will, in fact, be undertaken during the summer.

Each funded project must submit a final report to the Davis UWC Scholars office by September 15. The final report is to be limited to two pages of narrative using the final report form posted on the website. It also includes an additional one-page accounting of the funds expended. Students have the option of including up to 3 digital photos, attaching them to the end of their two-page final report. Final reports are submitted on disk to the Davis UWC office by the authorized campus contact. Reports will be posted on the program’s website for all to see and learn from.