B.S., M.S., Hanyang University; Ph.D., Case Western Reserve University


Eun Hoo Kim, Ph.D. is an associate professor of Chemistry in the Division of Natural Sciences. He teaches Organic Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, General Chemistry, and Physical Science. Dr. Kim’s areas of expertise include organic synthesis, biologically active fluorinated compounds, organometallic (Fe, Pd, Zn, Zr) catalysts, and heterocyclic compounds. He is very active in Cumberland County Science Olympiads (K-12). He received the Ph.D. from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, OH. Before coming to Methodist in 2013, he did postdoctoral research with a 2010 Nobel laureate in Chemistry, Dr. Ei-ichi Negishi, at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Ind.

Doctoral Thesis

A New Synthetic Pathway to Diquinane and Triquinane Systems

Postdoctoral Experiences

Negishi Lab and Colby Lab (Purdue University)