Endowed Scholarships
Establishing an Endowed Scholarship
To start an endowed scholarship in your name, or a loved one’s name, please contact Institutional Advancement at 910.630.7200 or [email protected].
List of Endowed Scholarships
For Undergraduate Students
Methodist University offers a variety of Endowed Scholarships. All endowed scholarships are offered annually by the Financial Aid Office to full time (12 credits) degree-seeking Campus Program students, who have completed the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at studentaid.gov and are completing their first bachelor’s degree. A student applies for endowed scholarships by completing the FAFSA (NO SEPARATE APPLICATION IS REQUIRED). When a student completes the FAFSA, and is ready to be offered other funds, the Office of Financial Aid will include endowed scholarships. Endowed scholarships are not necessarily renewed every year to the same student. Some of the endowed scholarships may not be available every year due to funding. If a student meets the eligibility requirements for a particular scholarship, it is not guaranteed the student will receive that scholarship. Amounts of the endowed scholarship vary depending on whether the student lives on or off campus. Scholarships may be reduced if a student, who is receiving an endowed scholarship, moves from on campus to off campus. In the event a student drops below full time day status or withdraws during the semester, the endowed scholarship(s) WILL be removed from the financial aid account.
The following is a complete listing of all the endowed scholarships at Methodist University for undergraduate students:
- Donnell G. Buck Adams Memorial Scholarship
- Margaret Stafford Alexander Scholarship
- Mary Neal Alexander Memorial Scholarship
- William Tasse Alexander III Endowed Scholarship
- Dr. Richard R. Allen, Sr. and Joan E. Allen Endowed Scholarship
- Lydia Lennon & George W. Applewhite Scholarship
- Carolyn R. and George H. Armstrong ’68 Family Endowed Scholarship
- Frank Barragan, Jr. Scholarship
- Oakel B. Bass Endowed Scholarship
- Debbie Bright Beaver Endowed Scholarship
- Dr. & Mrs. Karl H. Berns Music Scholarship
- Alex B. Bethune Scholarship
- James Spencer Birdsong Endowed Scholarship
- James Carter Black, Sr. & Florence Siems Black Endowed Scholarship
- Mary Jean Blackburn Scholarship
- James A. Bledsoe Endowed Scholarship
- Brantley Memorial Scholarship
- Earl W. Brian Scholarship
- Catherine Brock Scholarship
- John W. and Donna P. Brown Endowed Scholarship
- Hugh Conway Browning Endowed Scholarship
- Paul L. & Mary W. Browning Endowed Scholarship
- Bruton Family Endowed Scholarship
- Dr. Mary Lynn Bryan Endowed Scholarship
- Howard and Marta Bullard Endowed Scholarship
- Richard P. & Etta A. Butler Memorial Scholarship
- Hugh Scott and Janet Smith Cameron Endowed Scholarship
- Emma McAffie Cannon Memorial Scholarship
- Capital District United Methodist Men/Marlette Music Scholarship
- Carolina College Scholarship
- Dr. Paul Carruth & Roberta F. Carruth Scholarship
- Robert J. Chaffin Endowed Scholarship
- Robert J. Chaffin Endowed Scholarship – Camp Ground
- Robert J. Chaffin Endowed Nursing Scholarship
- Chaminade Music Club Endowed Scholarship
- Cynthia L. Champagne Endowed Scholarship
- Dr. Darl H. Champion Sr. Scholarship
- Kathryn F. Christian Endowed Scholarship
- Robert S. & Kathryn F. Christian Endowed Scholarship
- Ann G. Cimaglia ’64 Endowed Scholarship
- Fred E. Clark Scholarship
- Walter & Margaret Clark Scholarship
- Class of 1964 50th Anniversary Endowed Scholarship
- Alfred E. Cleveland Endowed Scholarship
- Martha Hicks Culbreth Memorial Scholarship
- Daniel DeCriscio Endowed Scholarship
- Bruce Dent Scholarship
- Ingeborg M. Dent Scholarship
- The Devasthali Family Health Sciences Scholarship
- Mary Deyampert Leadership Scholarship for the School of Social Work
- Dixon Endowed Elementary Education Scholarship
- Gordon Dixon ’66 Endowed Education Scholarship
- Sanford Doxey, Jr. Scholarship
- Edgar & Lois Draughon Scholarship
- Claudia H. Dudley Endowed Scholarship
- Murray O. and Nancy T. Duggins Endowed Scholarship
- Lenora Auten & Lloyd Dunn Scholarship
- Edenton Street United Methodist Men Scholarship
- Fayetteville Area Advertising Federation
- Fayetteville District United Methodist Scholarship
- Rita Jean Ivany Foley, BA Class of 1973, Magna Cum Laude Scholarship
- Dr. Loleta W. Foster and LTC Benjamin F. Foster, Jr. (Ret.), Endowed Scholarship
- Friends of Music Endowed Scholarship
- Dr. Sid Gautam Scholarship for Entrepreneurs
- Nelson & Carolyn S. Gibson Memorial Scholarship
- Janie Bell Edwards Gibson
- M.F. Grantham Scholarship
- William F. & Francis L. Grimes Endowed Scholarship
- Drs. Rakesh and Vinita Gupta Endowed Scholarship
- George N. Harriss Scholarship
- Maurice A. & Vennie Hawley Endowed Scholarship
- Dr. Bennett A. Hayes, Jr. Endowed Scholarship
- Linda and Mac Healy Endowed Scholarship
- John T. & Rebecca B. Henley Endowed Scholarship
- Hensdale Scholarship
- Dr. Carol L. Higy Education Scholarship
- Philip O. Hoffer Endowed Scholarship
- Shirley R. Hoffman Endowed Scholarship
- William E. Horner, Sr. Scholarship
- Young W. & Morie M. Howard Scholarship
- Edwin & Dorothy Hubbard Endowed Scholarship
- Edwin & Dorothy Hubbard Endowed Scholarship in Biology
- Hyman-Highsmith Endowed Scholarship
- Dr. & Mrs. Bert Ishee Scholarship
- Robert & Thelma Johnson & Robert Neal Scholarship
- Edward T. Keil and Kathleen N. Keil Endowed Scholarship
- Anne and Tom Keith Valuation Science Endowed Scholarship
- Virginia & Martin Kern Education Endowed Scholarship
- Teague Kirby Scholarship
- Todd Stephen Krueger Scholarship
- Lynn Morton Kubota Endowed Scholarship
- Lambda Chi Alpha Scholarship
- Edward Bert Lassiter Scholarship
- Edward P. Leatherbury III Scholarship
- Little Scholarship
- Michael R. Loesekann ’75 Endowed Scholarship
- William P. Lowdermilk Scholarship
- Betty Ruth Maness Memorial Scholarship
- Ray and Daphne Manning Endowed Scholarship
- R.A. Matheson Memorial Scholarship
- Charles K. & Verna McAdams Endowed Scholarship
- Dr. & Mrs. Clyde G. McCarver Scholarship
- William L. McLaurin Endowed Scholarship
- Thomas McLean Scholarship
- McMillan Endowed Scholarship
- Mary McKinnon McNeill Scholarship
- Joseph Gray Melvin & Elizabeth Horne Melvin Memorial Scholarship
- Wesley Mensing PGA Scholarship
- William & Betty Mercer Endowed Scholarship
- Methodist University Alumni Association Scholarship
- Methodist University Memorial Scholarship
- Methodist University N.C. Conference Scholarship
- Pamela Sturdivant Moll Education Scholarship
- Mullen-Mansfield-Clayton Memorial Scholarship
- Janet C. Mullen ’72 Memorial Scholarship
- Durwood Johnson Murray II Scholarship
- John & Hazel Neill Endowed Scholarship
- Jean Bradley Nickerson Endowed Scholarship
- Joan Alexandra Meade Pait Scholarship
- The D. Pauly & S. Downs- Applied Forensic Science Scholarship
- Park Pil-Hyun and Lee Oh-Soon Endowed Scholarship
- Florence M. Paul Music Library Scholarship
- Pay it Forward Endowed Scholarship
- Alice Pearce Scholarship
- Richard W. & Neva B. Pearce Scholarship
- Titus E. Pittman Scholarship
- Margaret Ann Riddle Player Endowed Scholarship
- Alan M. Porter Music Scholarship
- Peggy S. Powers Memorial Scholarship for Women in Business
- Bruce R. Pulliam Scholarship
- Katherine Purdie Endowed Scholarship
- Raleigh District United Methodist Church Scholarship
- Charles Rankin Memorial Scholarship
- Hector E. Ray, Jr. Scholarship
- Riddick & Gillie Revelle Endowed Scholarship
- Alma Rhodes Scholarship
- J.P. & March Riddle Endowed Scholarship
- George & Bessie Robbins Scholarship
- John C. Rosser, Jr. Scholarship
- Joseph H. Rouse Endowed Scholarship
- Helen and D.P. Russ, Jr. Endowed Scholarship
- Salem Methodist Church Scholarship
- Sanford District United Methodist Church Scholarship
- Terry Sanford Scholarship
- Joel & Marcia Stein Schur Endowed Scholarship
- Franklin & Emily Seibert Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- Sherry Sellers Scholarship
- Gertrude F. Shore Memorial Scholarship
- Wilbur R. Smith III Scholarship
- Dorothy Allred “Dot” Snyder Endowed Scholarship
- Ann Davis & Spell Family Endowed Scholarship
- Harriet Jean Spell Scholarship
- Dr. Louis Spilman, Jr. Endowed Scholarship
- William S. & Nannie Seats Spillman Memorial Scholarship
- Shirley Starcher Memorial Scholarship
- Fannie B. Stein Scholarship
- Bernard Stein Scholarship
- Ira M. Steingold, Esq. Endowed Scholarship
- Elizabeth Stewart Memorial Scholarship
- B.F. “Doc” Stone Scholarship
- Carol Hardee Stout Scholarship
- Frank Stout, Jr. Memorial Scholarship
- Joe W. Stout Memorial Scholarship
- Harold J. & Josephine L. Sturdivant Endowed Scholarship
- James D. Suitch Memorial Scholarship
- C.C. Powers, Jr. & Wingate E., Sigmund B. & E.L. Swain Memorial Scholarship
- Conrad D. Swick ’85 and Mary F. Swick Endowed Scholarship
- Walter M. & Loretta S. Swing Accounting Scholarship
- Margaret McLeod Teabeaut Scholarship
- Louis D. & Bernadine L. Thomas Scholarship
- Wallace E. & Irene N. Thorne Endowed Scholarship
- The Titmus Family Scholarship
- Dr. John O. Tobler Political Science Endowed Scholarship
- Arthur & Portia MacPhail Vann Memorial Scholarship
- Dr. King Ching Wang Political Science Scholarship
- Kimberly S. Weathington Cheerleading Scholarship
- Stacy & Elizabeth Weaver Scholarship
- William S. Wellons, Sr. & Family Scholarship
- West Fayetteville Rotary Club Educational Fund
- West Fayetteville Rotary Club Scholarship
- Clara Jewell Spell Westbrook Scholarship
- Flora Cornelia Bullock & Samuel Bryan Wilkins, Jr. Scholarship
- James (Jim) Wilkins, Sr. & Louise Heriot Wilkins Endowed Scholarship
- Vardell & Bertha H. Williamson Scholarship
- Eutha Neighbors Willis Scholarship
- Hubert Willis Memorial Scholarship
- Wright Scholars Program
- Wyatt Family Endowed Scholarship
- The Ziegler Endowed Scholarship
For Graduate Students
Methodist University offers the following Endowed Scholarship to graduate students. All endowed scholarships are offered annually by the Financial Aid Office to full time graduate students, who have completed the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at studentaid.gov. and are enrolled in a graduate program. A student applies for endowed scholarships by completing the FAFSA (NO SEPARATE APPLICATION IS REQUIRED). When a student completes the FAFSA, and is ready to be offered other funds, the Office of Financial Aid will included the endowed scholarships. Endowed scholarships are not necessarily renewed every year to the same student. Some of the endowed scholarships may not be available every year due to funding. If a student meets the eligibility requirements for a particular scholarship, it is not guaranteed the student will receive that scholarship.
The following is a complete listing of all the endowed scholarships at Methodist University for the graduate programs:
- Richard P. & Etta A. Butler Physician Assistant Endowed Scholarship
- Ron Foster Endowed Scholarship