Sport Management Curriculum Requirements
Major Requirements
The Sport Management major in the Reeves School of Business consists of 57 credits distributed as follows:
Foundation Core Requirements
18 credits
ACC 1510 Principles of Financial Accounting (3) | ECO 1510 Principles of Macroeconomics (3) |
ACC 1520 Principles of Managerial Accounting (3) | ECO 1520 Principles of Microeconomics (3) |
BUS 1510 Management and Organization (3) | MKT 1510 Principles of Marketing (3) |
Professional Core Requirements
9 credits
BUS 2160 Statistics for Business and Economics (3) | BUS 3520 Business Law I (3) |
BUS/FIN 3320 Managerial Finance (3) |
Required Sport Management Courses
24 credits
BUS 4700 Business Strategy (3) | SMA 4220 Sport Administration (3) |
SMA 1010 Introduction to Sport Management (3) | SMA 4230 Sport Marketing, Sales & Promotions (3) |
SMA 3220 Event Management (3) | SMA 4500 Sport Finance & Economics Capstone (3) |
SMA 3600 Facility Management & Operations (3) | SMA 4900 Internship in Sport Management (3) |
Elective Courses
Select two courses (6 credits) from the following list of electives:
BUS 3750 Human Resource Management (3) | SMA 2250 Sport Governance (3) |
BUS 3910 Negotiation (3) | SMA 3540 Legal Issues in Sport (3) |
MKT 3800 Advertising & Promotion (3) | SMA 4850 Special Topics in Sport Management (3) |
MKT 4200 Professional Selling & Sales Management (3) | SMA 4990 Independent Study in Sport Management (3) |
Note: An elective course for any Reeves School of Business & Economics major may only be used to meet the requirements of one major. A required class in any Reeves School of Business & Economics major may not be used as an elective for another Reeves School of Business & Economics major.
Minor Requirements
The Sport Management minor consists of 18 credits distributed as follows:
Required Courses
12 credits
SMA 1010 Introduction to Sport Management (3) | SMA 3600 Facility Management & Operations (3) |
SMA 3220 Event Management (3) | SMA 4230 Sport Marketing, Sales & Promotions (3) |
Elective Courses
Select two courses (6 credits) from the following list of electives:
BUS 3750 Human Resource Management (3) | SMA 2250 Sport Governance (3) |
BUS 3910 Negotiation (3) | SMA 3540 Legal Issues in Sport (3) |
MKT 3800 Advertising & Promotion (3) | SMA 4850 Special Topics in Sport Management (3) |
MKT 4200 Professional Selling & Sales Management (3) | SMA 4990 Independent Study in Sport Management (3) |