Mission Statement

To develop competent clinicians within a supportive, engaging, culturally diverse environment which fosters spiritual, academic and social growth.  Our graduates will become integrated into communities striving for excellence in healthcare through compassion, professionalism, and lifelong learning.

Vision Statement

For our graduates to enhance the quality of the lives they touch and to help alleviate healthcare disparities in our nation and the world.


Program Goals Assessment Method Benchmarks Results
A) Upon graduation, Methodist PA students will demonstrate the medical knowledge to effectively evaluate, treat and manage patients PA National Certifying Exam (PANCE) Target: Above the national average pass rate Five year Methodist pass rate=93%, national average=93%
B) Upon graduation, Methodist PA students will demonstrate the clinical skills necessary for practice, including effective history taking, physical exams and basic medical procedural skills Objective Structured Clinical Exams (OSCE) Target: 100% pass rate Class of 2023=100% OSCE pass rate
C) Upon graduation, Methodist PA students will demonstrate professional communication and behavior towards their patients and other medical professionals Preceptor evaluation of students Target: 100% of all students score an average of > 2.5/4 by final 3 preceptors Average score of all students = 3.88/4 and no student scored below the minimal competency set at 2.5/4
D) Upon graduation, Methodist PA students will gain employment in clinical practice Graduate survey Target: 100% of certified graduates are gainfully employed* within 6 months 100% of the Class of 2022 were employed within six months of graduation.
E) Methodist PA program will recruit highly qualified and diverse students CASPA application Threshold: at least maintain class URM numbers at 15% and SDB numbers at 40%. **

Target: by 2020 to have increased each cohort’s URM and/or SDB by 5%

Class of 2025 enrolled 38% URM and 80% SDB.
F) Methodist PA program will retain academically competent students throughout the program Direct measure Academic related attrition rates will be less than 6% per cohort Average attrition CO 2021-CO 2023=2%/cohort (1 student/cohort)

Student Attrition

In order to be in compliance with the 5th edition accreditation standard A3.12i, the program must publish and make readily available to current and prospective students the ARC-PA Student Attrition table with its most current information, no later than April first of each year.