Samantha Inczauskis teaching a marketing class at Methodist University

Marketing Curriculum

Major Requirements

The Marketing major in the Reeves School of Business has 51 semester hour requirements distributed across several focus areas of focus:

Foundation Core Requirements:

18 credits

ACC 1510 Principles of Financial Accounting (3) ECO 1510 Principles of Macroeconomics (3)
ACC 1520 Principles of Managerial Accounting (3) ECO 1520 Principles of Microeconomics (3)
BUS 1510 Management and Organization (3) MKT 1510 Principles of Marketing (3)

Professional Core Requirements

9 credits

BUS 2160 Statistics for Business and Economics (3) BUS 3520 Business Law I (3)
BUS/FIN 3320 Managerial Finance (3)

Required Marketing Courses

15 credits

BUS 4700 Business Strategy (3) MKT 3800 Advertising and Promotion (3)
MKT 4000 Consumer Behavior (3) MKT 4700 Marketing Strategy (Capstone) (3)
MKT 4550 Marketing Technologies (3)

Elective Courses

Select three courses (9 credits) from any 3000- or 4000-level Marketing courses or SMA 4230.

Note: An elective course for any Reeves School of Business major may only be used to meet the requirements of one major. A required class in any Reeves School of Business major may not be used as an elective for another Reeves School of Business major.

Available Concentrations

  • PGA Golf Management: Note that the required courses PGM 3040, PGM 4020, and BUS 3750 can be counted as marketing major elective courses for those adding this concentration.
  • Professional Tennis Management: Note that the required course PTM 3300 can be counted as a marketing major elective course for those adding this concentration.

Minor Requirements

The Marketing minor consists of 18 credits distributed as follows:

Required Courses

9 credits

MKT 1510 Principles of Marketing (3) MKT 4550 Marketing Technologies (3)
MKT 4000 Consumer Behavior (3)

Elective Courses

Select three elective courses (9 credits) from any 3000 or 4000 level MKT courses or any classes from the following list:

CME 2540 Strategic Communication (3) CME 3530 Desktop Publishing (3)
CME 3060 Computer Generated Graphics & Animation (3) SMA 4230 Sport Marketing, Sales & Promotions (3)
CME 3410 Content Management & Web Design (3) SMA 3550 Sport and Tourism Concepts (3)
ECO 1520 Principles of Microeconomics (3) BUS 3201 Business Writing (3)
BUS/ENP 3010 Entrepreneurship (3) CSC 3090 Web Technologies & Programming (3)
ENP 3100 Growing a Business (3) CSC 3500 Computer Graphics (3)

A.A. Subject Concentration Requirements

The A.A. concentration in Marketing consists of 18 credits distributed as follows:

Required Courses

9 credits

MKT 1510 Principles of Marketing (3) MKT 4550 Marketing Technologies (3)
MKT 4000 Consumer Behavior (3)

Elective Courses

Select three elective course (9 credits) from any 3000 or 4000 level MKT courses or any classes from the following list:

CME 2540 Strategic Communication (3) CME 3530 Desktop Publishing (3)
CME 3060 Computer Generated Graphics & Animation (3) SMA 4230 Sport Marketing, Sales & Promotions (3)
CME 3410 Content Management & Web Design (3) SMA 3550 Sport and Tourism Concepts (3)
ECO 1520 Principles of Microeconomics (3) BUS 3201 Business Writing (3)
BUS/ENP 3010 Entrepreneurship (3) CSC 3090 Web Technologies & Programming (3)
ENP 3100 Growing a Business (3) CSC 3500 Computer Graphics (3)