Kinesiology Curriculum
Major Requirements
The Kinesiology major consists of 74-78 credits distributed as follows:
Required Courses
68-71 credits
KIN 2590 Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries (3) | KIN 3100 Health Related Physical Assessment (3) |
BIO 1530/1531 Fundamentals of Biology I with Lab (4) | KIN 3120 Biomechanics (3) |
BIO 3060 Human Anatomy and Physiology I (4) | KIN 4100 Physical Activity Epidemiology (3) |
BIO 3080 Human Anatomy and Physiology II (4) | KIN 4200 Clinical Exercise Physiology (3) |
BIO 3980 Vertebrate Comparative Anatomy and Evolution (4) or BIO 4010 Embryology & Developmental Genetics (4) or BIO 4400 Cellular Physiology (4) | KIN 4900 Clinical Observation in Kinesiology (2) |
CHE 1510/1511 General Chemistry I with Lab (4) | MAT 2200 Applied Statistics (3) |
CHE 1520/1521 General Chemistry II with Lab (4) | PHY 1510 General Physics I (4) |
ENG 3201 Business Writing (3) or ENG 3210 Technical Writing (3) | PHY 1520 General Physics II (4) |
HCA 2300 Medical Terminology (3) | PSY 2040 Lifespan Development (3) or PSY 3410 Abnormal Psychology (3) |
KIN 2400 Sport and Fitness Nutrition (3) | WEL 2180 Concepts of Fitness and Wellness (3) |
KIN 3040 Physiology of Exercise (3) |
Required Mathematics Sequence
Select one math sequence (6-7 credits) from the following list:
MAT 1125 Integrated Pre-Calculus I – Algebra (4) and MAT 1140 Pre-Calculus II – Trigonometry (3) | MAT 2310 Calculus I (3) and MAT 2320 Calculus II (3) |
MAT 1130 Pre-Calculus I – Algebra (3) and MAT 1140 Pre-Calculus II – Trigonometry (3) |