Major Requirements

The History major consists of 45 credits distributed as follows:

Required Core Courses

24 credits

*HIS 0900 History Capstone (0) HIS 2160 History of Science (3)
HIS 1030 World History I (3) HIS 3000 History in Theory and Practice (3)
HIS 1040 World History II (3) HIS 3250 Modern History (3)
HIS 2010 United States History I (3) HIS 3700 Contemporary World History (3)
HIS 2020 United States History II (3)

*Note: All History majors must complete a required capstone course. Simultaneously to taking HIS 0900, the student will select a 3000 level or higher course approved by the History Department and make a capstone presentation to the department.


Select seven History courses (21 credits) from the following list:

HIS 2040 U.S. Women’s History (3) HIS 3610 The Civil Rights Movement (3)
HIS 2170 Race and Ethnicity in Global Perspective (3) HIS 3620 History of North Carolina (3)
HIS 3010 Topics in Modern Asian History (3) HIS 3800 Topics in U.S. Social and Cultural History (3)
HIS 3110 Ancient History (3) HIS 3810 Topics in European Social and Cultural History (3)
HIS 3120 Medieval History (3) HIS 3820 History and Gender (3)
HIS 3130 Renaissance and Reformation Europe (3) HIS 3850 Special Topics in History (3)
HIS 3160 The Age of Crusades (3) HIS 4210 American Military Experience (3)
HIS 3170 The Middle Ages on Film (3) HIS 4220 Post WWII America (3)
HIS 3220 Early Modern History (3) HIS 4300 History Museum Internship (3)
HIS 3310 Topics in Latin American History (3) HIS 4550 Senior Seminar: The Craft of History (3)
HIS 3550 American Slavery (3) HIS 4990 Independent Study in History (3)
HIS 3600 American Civil War and Reconstruction Era (3)

Minor & Associate of Arts Concentration Requirements

The History minor and Associate of Arts subject concentration consist of 18 credits each, distributed as follows:

Required Courses

9 credits

HIS 1030 World History I (3) HIS 3000 History in Theory and Practice (3)
HIS 1040 World History II (3)


Select three History courses (9 credits) at the 2000 level or above.