Major Requirements

The Bachelor of Science in Health Care Administration is nationally certified by the Association of University Programs in Health Administration. The Health Care Administration major consists of 60 credits distributed as follows:

Major Course Requirements

27 credits

HCA 2000 Introduction to Health Care Administration (3) HCA 3600 Health Care Informatics (3)
HCA 3050 Managing Health Care Organizations (3) HCA 4500 Health Care Research Methods/Senior Seminar (3)
HCA 3300 Health Care Strategic Management (3) HCA 4700 Foundations of Health Care Policy (3)
HCA 3400 Health Care Organizational Behavior (3) *HCA 4800 Health Care Administration Internship (3)
HCA 3500 Economics and Finance of Health Care Organizations (3)

*All students (traditional or non-traditional) who do not have a minimum of five years’ work experience (documented) in a health-related organization will be required to take HCA 4800 Health Care Internship course as a requirement for graduation.

Health Care Administration Electives

Select three courses (9 credit hours) from the following list:

HCA 2300 Medical Terminology (3) HCA 4400 Medical Coding (3)
HCA 4100 Managed Care/Medical Group Practice Management (3) HCA 4850 Special Topics in Health Care Administration (3)
HCA 4200 Long Term Care Administration (3)

Required Business Core Courses

21 credits

ACC 1510 Principles of Financial Accounting (3) ECO 1510 Principles of Macroeconomics (3)
ACC 1520 Principles of Managerial Accounting (3) ECO 1520 Principles of Microeconomics (3)
BUS 2160 Statistics for Business and Economics or MAT 2200 Applied Statistics (3) MKT 1510 Principles of Marketing (3)
BUS 3520 Business Law I (3)

Ethics Elective

Select one course (3 credits) from the following list:

BUS 3150 Business and Society (3) PHI 3400 Medical Ethics (3)
PHI 3200 Business Ethics (3)

Note: It is recommended that students majoring in Health Care Administration also complete LAW 2000 Introduction to Law, LAW 3820 Business Organizations, and SOC 3880 Medical Sociology.

Minor Requirements

The Health Care Administration minor consists of 18 credits distributed as follows:

Required Courses

12 credits

HCA 2000 Introduction to Health Care Administration (3) HCA 3300 Health Care Strategic Management (3)
HCA 3050 Managing Health Care Organizations (3) HCA 3500 Economics and Finance of Health Care Organizations (3)


Select two additional courses (6 credits) from the following list:

HCA 2300 Medical Terminology (3) HCA 4500 Health Care Research Methods/Senior Seminar (3)
HCA 3600 Health Care Informatics (3) or NUR 3600 Nursing Informatics (3) HCA 4700 Foundations of Health Care Policy (3)
HCA 4100 Managed Care/Medical Group Practice Management (3) HCA 4800 Health Care Administration Internship (3)
HCA 4200 Long Term Care Administration (3) HCA 4850 Special Topics in Health Care Administration (3)
HCA 4400 Medical Coding (3)

Undergraduate Certificate Requirements

Students must complete fifty percent (50%) of the certificate courses in residence and earn a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 in the certificate courses. The Health Care Administration Undergraduate Certificate consists of 24 credits distributed as follows:

Required Courses

15 credits

HCA 2000 Introduction to Health Care Administration (3) HCA 3500 Economics & Finance of Health Care Organizations (3)
HCA 2300 Medical Terminology (3) HCA 4500 Health Care Research Methods/Senior Seminar (3)
HCA 3050 Managing Health Care Organizations (3)


Select three additional courses (9 credits) from the following list:

HCA 3300 Health Care Strategic Management (3) HCA 4700 Foundations of Health Care Policy (3)
HCA 3400 Health Care Organizational Behavior (3) HCA 4800 Health Care Administration Internship (3)
HCA 3600 Health Care Informatics (3)

Requirements for the Health Care Administration Concentration in the Reeves School of Business

In conjunction with the Reeves School of Business, the Concentration in Health Care Administration is available to students pursuing the following degrees: Bachelor Science in Accounting, Business Administration, Financial Economics, or Marketing. The Health Care Administration concentration consists of 24 credits distributed as follows:

Required Courses

15 credits

HCA 2000 Introduction to Health Care Administration (3) HCA 3500 Economics and Finance of Health Care Organizations (3)
HCA 2300 Medical Terminology (3) HCA 4500 Health Care Research Methods/Senior Seminar (3)
HCA 3050 Managing Health Care Organizations (3)


Select three additional courses (9 credits) from the following list:

HCA 3300 Health Care Strategic Management (3) HCA 4700 Foundations of Health Care Policy (3)
HCA 3400 Health Care Organizational Behavior (3) HCA 4800 Health Care Administration Internship (3)
HCA 3600 Health Care Informatics (3)

Associate of Science (A.S.) Concentration Requirements

The Health Care Administration A.S. concentration consists of 36 credits distributed as follows:

Required Core Courses

18 credits

ACC 1510 Principles of Financial Accounting (3) SCI 1410 Earth Science (3)
ACC 1520 Principles of Managerial Accounting (3) SCI 1420 Biological Science (3)
MAT 1050 College Algebra (3) or higher SCI 1430 Physical Science (3)

Health Care Administration Electives

Select six courses (18 credit hours) from the following list:

HCA 2000 Introduction to Health Care Administration (3) HCA 3600 Health Care Informatics (3)
HCA 2300 Medical Terminology (3) HCA 4500 Health Care Research Methods/Senior Seminar (3)
HCA 3050 Managing Health Care Organizations (3) HCA 4700 Foundations of Health Care Policy (3)
HCA 3300 Health Care Strategic Management (3) HCA 4800 Health Care Administration Internship (3)
HCA 3400 Health Care Organizational Behavior (3) HCA 4850 Special Topics in Health Care Administration (3)
HCA 3500 Economics and Finance of Health Care Organizations (3)