Forensic Science (CSI) Curriculum
Major Requirements
The Forensic Science major consists of 54 credits distributed across foundational courses, criminal justice courses, and major courses, as listed below:
Required Foundational Courses
9 credits
PSC 1510 American Government (3) | SOC 1510 Principles of Sociology (3) |
PSY 1010 General Psychology (3) |
Required Criminal Justice Courses
15 credits
*JUS 2200 Applied Statistics (3) | JUS 3320 Research Methods (3) |
JUS 2410 Introduction to Criminal Justice (3) | **JUS4700 Internship (3) |
JUS 3090 Criminology (3) |
*MAT 2200, PSY 2500 or SOC 2200 may be substituted in place of JUS 2200.
**A 3000-4000 level JUS or LAW course may be substituted with permission of the Division Head.
Required Forensic Science Courses
30 credits
JUS 2420 Introduction to Forensic Science (3) | JUS 4010 The Investigative Process (3) |
JUS 3150 Drugs, Crime, and Society (3) | JUS 4100 Medicolegal Investigation of Death (3) |
JUS 3960 Criminal Profiling (3) | JUS 4150 Forensic Firearm Identification (3) |
JUS 3970 Crime Scene Investigation (3) | JUS 4160 Forensic Photography (3) |
JUS 3980 Advanced Crime Scene Investigation (3) | JUS 4400 Crime Scene Reconstruction (3) |
All students must earn a final grade of C or better in all courses taken in the Forensic Science major.
Minor Requirements
The Forensic Science minor consists of 21 credits as listed below:
JUS 2420 Introduction to Forensic Science (3) | JUS 4010 The Investigative Process (3) |
JUS 3890 Criminal Evidence and Procedure (3) | JUS 4100 Medicolegal Investigation of Death (3) |
JUS 3960 Criminal Profiling (3) | JUS 4150 Forensic Firearm Identification (3) |
JUS 3970 Crime Scene Investigation (3) |
All students must earn a final grade of C or better in all required coursework for the minor in Forensic Science.
Note: The Director of the Forensic Science Program, with the approval of the Division Head, may allow a non-Criminal Justice major to take a Forensic Science class without taking the necessary Criminal Justice prerequisites. Such students will be limited to nine credits of Forensic Science classes.