Methodist University Biology students gather together for a project.

Biology Curriculum Requirements

Major Requirements

The Biology major consists of 74 credits distributed as follows:

Core Requirements

27 credits

*BIO 1530/1531 Fundamentals of Biology I with Lab (4) BIO 2960 Genetics (4)
*BIO 1560/1561 Fundamentals of Biology II with Lab (4) BIO 2990 Evolutionary Biology and Population Genetics (3)
BIO 2430 Introduction to Zoology (4) BIO 3960 Molecular Biology (4)
BIO 2440 Introduction to Botany (4)

*BIO 1530-1531 and BIO 1560-1561 must be successfully completed with a final grade of C- or higher.

Required Biology Courses

25 credits

BIO 2900 Biological Statistics (3) BIO 3310 Conservation Biology (3)
BIO 3120 General Ecology (4) BIO 4200 Advanced Botany (4)
BIO 3210 Insect Biology (4) BIO 4400 Cellular Physiology (4)
BIO 3220 Animal Behavior & Nutrition (3)

Required Chemistry Courses

16 credits

CHE 1510/1511 General Chemistry I with Lab (4) CHE 2210/2211 Organic Chemistry I with Lab (4)
CHE 1520/1521 General Chemistry II with Lab (4) CHE 2220/2221 Organic Chemistry II with Lab (4)

Required Mathematics Courses

6 credits

MAT 1130 Pre-Calculus I – Algebra (or higher) (3) MAT 2200 Applied Statistics (3)

Minor Requirements

The Biology minor consists of 23-24 credits distributed as follows:

Required Courses

8 credits

BIO 1530/1531 Fundamentals of Biology I with Lab (4) BIO 1560/1561 Fundamentals of Biology II with Lab (4)


Select any 15-16 credits of courses with a BIO prefix except BIO 2110 and BIO 2120.

A.S. in Biology Requirements

The A.S. concentration in Biology consists of 30 credits distributed as follows:

Required Courses

14 credits

BIO 1530/1531 Fundamentals of Biology I with Lab (4) SCI 1410 Earth Science (3)
BIO 1560/1561 Fundamentals of Biology II with Lab (4) SCI 1430 Physical Science (3)


Select any 16 credits of BIO courses at the 3000 level or higher.