Academic Calendar

Grade Appeals & Other Student Complaints

Detailed information and grievance forms are available on the Grade Appeals and Other Students Complaints page.

Academic Catalog

All Undergraduate and Graduate Academic Policies are available in the respective catalog:

Distance Education Privacy Policy

View the Methodist University Distance Education Privacy Policy.

Undergraduate Attendance Policy

Regular class preparation, attendance, and participation are the best predictors of student success; therefore, students are expected and encouraged to attend all their Methodist University classes. If students must miss class sessions, they are expected to give faculty notice about the absence as early as possible and must communicate with each faculty member to ensure that they complete all required work in preparation for subsequent classes. Students with excessive absences, as described in the course syllabus, are at risk of receiving failing grades. The following types of absences are considered excused:

  • Illness or accident with supportive medical documentation;
  • Death of a close relative (grandparent, parent, sibling, spouse, child);
  • Military duties when certified by a student’s commanding officer;
  • Scheduled participation as a Methodist University Student-Athlete in intercollegiate competitions that conflict with a student’s class schedule;
  • Scheduled participation in co-curricular events or activities sponsored by Methodist University that conflict with a student’s class schedule

Faculty are required to give students with excused absences reasonable opportunities to submit missed coursework or to make alternate arrangements for classroom activities (e.g. labs, presentations, examinations). The student is responsible for notifying faculty of the absence, communicating with faculty about materials and assignments, and completing all missed coursework. Students who fulfill these responsibilities within the time frame agreed upon with their instructors may not be penalized for an excused absence.

Students who add a course during the published add/drop period, but after the first class meeting, will be permitted to make up missed assignments or will not have missed assignments counted against them in the final course grade. Absences will not be assigned for the period during which the student was not officially enrolled in the class.

Honor Code & Academic Integrity

In the pursuit of academic studies at Methodist University, every student has the responsibility of obeying the Honor Code, which prohibits cheating (including plagiarism), and academic misrepresentation. Each student is responsible for becoming familiar with the Honor Code. All work submitted to instructors must comply with the rules of the Honor Code and “pledged” as an indication of its conformity to the rules of the Honor Code. Violations of the code may be reported by any member of the Methodist University community. See the Methodist University Online Academic Catalog above for the full Honor Code policy (Methodist University Online Academic Catalog, 2023).

Title IX

View the Title IX Non-Discrimination Policy.

Equal Opportunity

Methodist University does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, gender, national or ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation or disabilities for otherwise qualified persons in the administration of its admissions, educational policies, scholarships, loan programs, athletics, employment or any other university-sponsored or advertised program.

Methodist Netiquette Statement

Students are expected to interact with other students and the instructor, just as they would be expected to do in a traditional classroom setting. Because online courses contain a combination of communication channels, some public and some private, such as e-mail, instant messaging, discussion forums, and chat rooms, inappropriate conduct in these channels is not allowed.

Examples of inappropriate conduct that are never permitted include sexually harassing language, racially or ethnically degrading language, profanity, and verbally abusive language. Evidence of any of these is grounds for dismissal from the course by the course instructor, with or without warning, depending on the severity of the offense.

In general, the discussion of personal matters, such as questioning a grade, is inappropriate for public forums. These matters may be addressed privately through e-mail, provided none of the conduct listed above occurs in that communication. Students withdrawn from the course may appeal for reinstatement to the office of the Provost.

Late Work Policy

All assignments are due electronically at 11:59 p.m. (EST/GMT -5.00) on the due date.  Any assignments not turned in by the deadline will be considered late. Major assignments (in any category other than Participation) will have 10 points deducted for each day the work is late, including weekends and holidays.  Equipment error or malfunction is not an excuse for missed deadlines, so be sure to upload your work in advance. Handwritten assignments will not be accepted in lieu of electronic submission. Exams/tests are only offered on the days/times specified on the daily syllabus of course activities.

Procedure to Withdraw

Students who wish to withdraw from a course should contact their student advisor to discuss their options. Withdrawing from a course may affect a student’s financial aid and extend the time to degree completion.

If withdrawing from a course is the best option, the student will need to complete the drop form. The drop form should only be used after the drop/add period has ended and to withdraw from a course with record.

Campus Parking & Vehicle Registration

Methodist University students are required to register with the Department of Public Safety all vehicles parked or driven on campus. For more information about parking, visit Police and Public Safety.

Emergency Information Guide

The Emergency Information Guide provides information on the following:

  1. What to do, where to go, and whom to call in the event of an emergency
  2. Tips for being prepared for severe weather, for protecting your personal safety, and for preventing crime.

Rescheduling Coursework in the Event of a Campus Closure

Students may not be penalized for closure decisions made by the University or for adverse conditions that make online delivery of courses impossible. In the event of such conditions, every effort will be made to notify students of the situation and of the timeline for return to online instruction.

When classes resume, students should be given no less than 1 week but no more than 30 days or the last day of classes (whichever comes first) to turn in work assigned during unplanned closures. Deadlines that occur during the closure should be extended.

Program Closure Policy

  1. Program closure requires SACSCOC notification and submission of a teach-out plan at the time of the decision to halt enrollment:
    SACSCOC Program Closure –Teach Out Plan Requirements
    Submit a teach-out plan to include the following:
    • A Substantive Change Cover Sheet.
    • Provide the closure date, defined by SACSCOC as the date when students are no longer admitted.
    • An explanation of how affected parties –students, faculty, and staff –will be informed of the impending closure.
    • An explanation of how all affected students will be helped to complete their programs of study with minimal disruption or additional costs.
    • Explain whether the students subject to the teach-out plan will incur additional charges or other expenses because of the teach-out and, if so, how the students will be notified.
    • Copies of signed teach-out agreements with other institutions, if applicable.
    • A description of how faculty and staff will be redeployed or helped to find new employment. Note: Do not submit individually identifiable student information.
  2. When the teach-out plan has been finalized, program faculty, chairs, deans, and provost will hold a joint meeting to discuss the effects of the teach-out plan on faculty and staff.
  3. Following that meeting, the provost will propose an action plan for faculty and staff, with plans for either redeployment or non-renewal, and will share the plan with affected faculty, chairs, and deans with a rationale for the decision prior to the formal approval of any employment action.

Teach Out Policy

In the event of a decision to eliminate a program, we will provide a teach-out plan that meets the guidelines from our regional accreditor, and we will assist students who choose to transfer to another institution.

Online Refund Policy

Methodist University Online will refund 100% of tuition and fees for a course that is dropped within the add/drop period for that course. The add/drop period for a course is dependent on the start and end date for that course. After the add/drop period for a course, the student is responsible for 100% of tuition and fees associated with the course.

Students who never begin attendance in any course for the term and who fail to properly drop their courses during the add/drop period may have their schedules canceled by the Office of the Registrar.

The University may change, modify, cancel, or suspend its programs and operations in the University’s sole discretion in the event of causes beyond its reasonable control, including but not limited to those relating to, arising from, or in connection with fire, floods, embargoes, war, acts of war, terrorism, acts of civil or military authority, insurrections, riots, demonstrations, strikes, lockouts or other labor disturbances, acts of God, natural disasters, epidemics, pandemics, disease outbreaks, public health crises, or acts, regulations, orders, decrees, or laws of any local, state, or federal government (each a “Force Majeure Event”). The decision to change, modify, cancel, or suspend its programs and operations shall be made at the discretion and judgment of the University. If a Force Majeure Event occurs, the University shall not be held liable or responsible, nor be deemed to be have defaulted under or breached any contractual obligations, for failing or delaying in fulfilling or performing any services or contractual duty, and students will not be entitled to a refund of tuition, fees, or any other costs in the event the University’s programs or operations, including but not limited to in-person classes and activities, are modified to provide alternative modes or methods of operation, suspended, cancelled, interrupted, or changed.