Career Advising
Our staff provides guidance in the development of skills necessary to obtain internships, employment, and career satisfaction. These skills also help with the management of life-long career strategies and success in a global workforce. We provide major and career assessments, individual and group workshops, internship/job search strategies, online resources, and assistance with resume and cover letter writing.
Create a Handshake Account! Handshake is the #1 way college students are getting hired. See this documentation for help creating, setting up, and using your new Handshake account.
Please use Handshake to share your open positions, and we will work diligently to get that information approved so that candidates may apply.
- Explore internship opportunities on Handshake.
- Contact your Academic and Career Advisor to discuss internship opportunities and program requirements.
- International Students should contact the Global Education Office to discuss additional CPT requirements for internships.
Employers can post internship opportunities with Methodist University if they have been in operation for at least one calendar year, can provide a meaningful learning experience for the student interns, and can provide on-site supervisor/mentor that meets with the student daily or weekly.
Internship opportunities can be posted via Handshake or by emailing a job description to Linda Lane.
Career Advising Resources
Student Employment
The goal of Methodist University Student Employment is to provide students with a meaningful work experience that will help build their career readiness skills for the rapidly changing workforce. In addition to the Federal Work Study program, Methodist University offers a Student Employment program that allows all full-time, main campus undergraduate students to apply for meaningful, on-campus work experiences.
All main campus, undergraduate students taking at least 12+ semester hours are eligible for Student Employment.
Federal Work Study: The Federal Work Study program is federally funded and provides employment for students with financial need. Eligible students will receive a financial aid offer with an allotted amount of money they may earn during an academic year. However, students eligible for Federal Work Study may earn additional funds through the Methodist University Student Employment program.
Please contact Brittany Rose if you have any Student Employment questions. Visit the Methodist University Student Employment page on Handshake to see a list of jobs and apply for positions.