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It is the student’s responsibility to contact you and arrange a time to discuss their accommodations. This is where you discuss how the accommodations are going. Example:  testing accommodations, will you the faculty provide them or will the student test in SAAS area. We recommend a follow-up email to reiterate your meeting and confirm any accommodation arrangements made with the student. This provides you with a paper trail should there be any future questions.

Please call us at 910.630.7204 or email the office at if you have any questions or concerns about accommodations listed on a student’s letter.

Recommend that the student contact our office either by phone (910.630.7204) or email at We recommend you email to inform us of the student referral.

Service Animals (SA) are the only animals allowed in the classroom.  Service Animals are defined as a dog or miniature pony.  There are only two questions you can ask:

  1. Do you have a disability?
  2. Does the SA perform a task/job?

If the answer is yes to both, the SA is allowed to stay.

The person with a SA must have control over the SA at all times and the SA cannot be disruptive (bark, growl, whine, always moving). A disruptive SA can be asked to leave.

Any other animal (cat, rabbit, hamster…) than a SA is considered an Emotional Support Animal and are not allowed in the classroom, and you may ask the student to take it out.

We recommend that you first have a conversation with the student. If meeting with the student did not help, you can go into your myMU Portal and complete a ConnectU report.  Please also feel free to contact SDS. We are happy to engage students in conversation about how to best utilize their accommodations, as well as to connect them to other campus resources.