Faculty & Staff Support

Faculty, if you’d like a presentation to your class, please email the Writing & Tutoring Center at [email protected]. Indicate content and desired dates (give us some options), and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Faculty and staff, we would be delighted to work with you on your writing projects and syllabi. WCONLINE is the online scheduling platform that our clients use to make appointments with writing consultants.  Learn more on our General Information page, from registering for a WCONLINE account to setting up and making use of our four kinds of consultations: In-person, Online, eTutoring, and Walk-Ins.


Essentials of College Writing

Citing Sources & Avoiding Plagiarism

Plagiarism vs. Using Sources Properly—Plagiarism occurs when proper credit is not given to the original author or creator. Sometimes, this can happen unintentionally, especially when reading, discussing, and writing about so many ideas. Learning to properly incorporate source material can help you steer clear of plagiarism. We have provided a few resources to help.

Some Types of Writing

Tips for Non-Native English Speakers


Style & Documentation/Citation Requirements

Grammar & Style