The CHAMPS program is Methodist University’s student athlete study hall.

CHAMPS Starting Date: Sunday, January 19

Location and Check-In: All CHAMPS hours are to be completed in the Davis Memorial Library. Student-athletes will swipe their student IDs to check-in and out at the Academic Support Information Desk.

CHAMPS Study Hall Hours

Student-athletes will fulfill their CHAMPS hours during the Writing & Tutoring Center’s hours of operation, which are as follows:

  • Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m.­­–11 p.m.
  • Friday, 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
  • Sunday, 5 p.m.–11 p.m.

*For student athletes to have their CHAMPS study hour counted, student-athletes are required to be present for a full hour. Incremental periods of less than an hour will not be considered eligible for counting.*

Additional Enhancements

  • Writing and Tutoring Center and Individual Research Assistance (IRA) appointments, and Academic Support workshops and events will be counted towards CHAMPS hours.
  • Monday-Thursday, 7:00–9:00 p.m.:
    • Peer tutors and writing consultants are available for walk-in appointments.
    • Academic Support workshops and programs will take place during this time.

Make a Writing & Tutoring Center Appointment

Student-Athlete GPA Requirement

Any student-athlete who has below a 2.00 cumulative GPA is required to complete five hours of CHAMPS study hours per week for the duration of the semester.

Freshman Student-Athlete Requirements

  • Fall semester, all freshman student-athletes are required to complete five hours of CHAMPS study hours per week for the duration of the semester.
  • Spring Semester, freshman student-athletes who have a 2.70 GPA or above are exempt from CHAMPS.
  • Spring Semester, freshman student-athletes who have between a 2.70 and 2.00 GPA are required to complete three hours of CHAMPS for the duration of the semester.

Sophomore Student-Athlete Requirements

  • All sophomore student-athletes with a 2.50 cumulative GPA or above are exempt from CHAMPS.
  • All sophomore student-athletes with a cumulative GPA between 2.50 and 2.00 are required to complete two hours of CHAMPS per week for the duration of the semester.

Junior Student-Athlete Requirements

  • Junior student-athletes who meet the 2.50 cumulative GPA requirements are exempt from CHAMPS.
  • All junior student-athletes with a cumulative GPA between 2.50 and 2.00 are required to complete two hours of CHAMPS per week for the duration of the semester.

Guidelines for Missed Hours

  1. First Instance of Incomplete CHAMPS Hours: The first time a student-athlete fails to complete CHAMPS hours, a written warning will be emailed to the student-athlete, their coach, the Deputy Athletic Director, Coordinator for Student Success, and Director of Academic Support.
  2. Second Instance of Incomplete CHAMPS Hours: If a student-athlete fails to complete CHAMPS hours for a second time, a written email notification will be sent to the student-athlete, their coach, the Deputy Athletic Director, Coordinator for Student Success, and Director of Academic Support, and one hour will be added to the student-athlete’s regular required hours the following week.
  3. Third Instance of Incomplete CHAMPS Hours: Should a student-athlete fail to complete CHAMPS hours for a third time, two hours will be added to the student-athlete’s regular required hours for the following week. Additionally, there will be a mandatory meeting with the student-athlete, their coach, the Deputy Athletic Director, the Coordinator for Student Success, and the Director of Academic Support. A possible game suspension may also be imposed.
  4. Fourth Instance and Beyond of Incomplete CHAMPS Hours: If a student-athlete fails to complete CHAMPS hours for a fourth time, they will be required to meet with the Head Coach and Athletic Administration to determine whether they will be permitted to continue as a student-athlete. Failure to comply with CHAMPS hours and/or expectations could result in suspension or removal from athletic teams.


Rebecca King, M.F.A.

Senior Director, One Stop Academic Services
Rebecca King