Mission Statement

The Methodist University General Education Program provides a foundation for personal, professional, and civic success. The program is designed to develop competencies in the skills crucial to success while engaging students in the study of topics important to 21st century life.

General Education Goals

The Methodist University General Education Program produces graduates who demonstrate competence in the following skills:

  • Computer Usage
  • Critical Thinking
  • Information Literacy
  • Oral Communication
  • Quantitative Reasoning
  • Research
  • Written Communication

Students develop competence in these skills while studying the following topics:

  • Fine Arts
  • Global Perspective
  • Humanities
  • Mathematics
  • Natural Sciences
  • Social Sciences
  • Wellness

While studying these topics, students will encounter material addressing cultural diversity, ethical reasoning, global interdependence, and environmental issues.

General Education Core Requirements

Bachelor’s Degrees

These General Education requirements are from the 2024-25 Academic Catalog. Students governed by General Education requirements from an earlier catalogue may find those requirements listed in the Academic Catalog archives.


  • MUJ 1100, MUJ 2200, and MUJ 3300 Methodist University Journey**
  • IDS 2100 Reading Circle


  • CSC 1000 Computer Literacy: Introduction to Computers and Information Technology OR
  • BUS 1700 Computer Business Applications (Reeves School of Business majors only) OR
  • Successfully passing the CSC 1000 competency test*

A student must pass CSC 1000 (or BUS 1700 for Reeves School of Business Majors ONLY) prior to completing 60 credits to satisfy the Computer Competency Requirement.


  • ENG 1010 Composition and
  • ENG 1040 Composition and Rhetoric

Incoming students who feel they need extra support in the classroom should register for ENG 1010-WL, which contains a writing lab component. Students are expected to complete the required English composition two-semester sequence in their first three semesters of enrollment.


Choose one of the following:

  • CME 1500 Introduction to Interpersonal Communication
  • CME 1510 Speech Communication
  • CME 2540 Strategic Communication
  • CME 3600 Exploring Cross Cultural Communication


  • Any course from the approved list below may be used to fulfill the global perspective elective as long as it is outside the major, minor, or concentration. This means courses such as HIS 1030 or REL 1030 can double count as fulfilling both humanities and global perspective requirements.

HUMANITIES (9 credits)

  • 3-credit Literature course at the 2000 level or higher except EDU 3620
  • 3-credit History course
  • 3-credit Religion course

FINE ARTS (3 credits)

Choose one of the following:

  • ARH 1510 Language of Art
  • ARH 2530 Survey of Art History I
  • ARH 2540 Survey of Art History II
  • MUS 1510 Survey of Music in Western Civilization
  • MUS 1520 Jazz and Popular Culture
  • THE 1620 Survey of Theatre
  • 3 credits in applied music, ensemble, or voice class

MATHEMATICS (3 credits)

  • MAT 1050 College Algebra or higher (except MAT 1060 and MAT 2060)

Mathematics 1005 and/or 1015 as needed. Entry level is determined by scores attained on standardized ACT/SAT and high school English and mathematics grades.

NATURAL SCIENCE (6-8 credits)

  • Two Lab Sciences beginning with one of the following prefixes: BIO, CHE, GSC, PHY, or SCI

Students will not receive general education credit for both SCI 1410 and GSC 1600; SCI 1420 and BIO 1530; or SCI 1430 and CHE 1510. However, students can combine BIO 1530 and 1531 with CHE 1510 and 1511, GSC 1600, or PHY 1510 to meet the core/general education science requirements if they have the appropriate prerequisites. BIO 1530 can also be combined with SCI 1410 and 1430 courses to fulfill the core/general education science requirement. BIO 1530 may also be combined with upper-level biology courses to fulfill the science core requirement.

SOCIAL SCIENCE (3 credits)

  • One 3-credit course from the following disciplines: Economics, Political Science, Psychology or Sociology

WELLNESS (2-3 credit hours)

  • WEL 1010 CPR/Lifetime Activities and either WEL 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 or 2350 Intercollegiate Sports OR
  • WEL 2180 Concepts of Fitness and Nutrition


  • Students choose a 3-4 credit course from the fine arts, humanities, mathematics, computer science, natural sciences, foreign languages, and/or social sciences.

LIBRARY COMPETENCY (0 credit hours)***

Associate Degrees

These General Education requirements are from the 2023-24 Academic Catalog. Students governed by General Education requirements from an earlier catalogue may find those requirements listed in the Academic Catalog archives.


  • IDS 2100 Reading Circle


  • CSC 1000 Computer Literacy: Introduction to Computers and Information Technology OR
  • BUS 1700 Computer Business Applications (Reeves School of Business majors only) OR
  • Successfully passing the CSC 1000 competency test*

A student must pass CSC 1000 (or BUS 1700 for Reeves School of Business Majors ONLY) prior to completing 60 credits to satisfy the Computer Competency Requirement.


  • ENG 1010 Composition and
  • ENG 1040 Composition and Rhetoric

Incoming students who feel they need extra support in the classroom should register for ENG 1010-WL, which contains a writing lab component. Students are expected to complete the required English composition two-semester sequence in their first three semesters of enrollment.


Choose one of the following:

  • CME 1500 Introduction to Interpersonal Communication
  • CME 1510 Speech Communication
  • CME 2540 Strategic Communication
  • CME 3600 Exploring Cross Cultural Communication

HUMANITIES (9 credits)

  • 3-credit Literature course at the 2000 level or higher except EDU 3620
  • 3-credit History course
  • 3-credit Religion course

FINE ARTS (3 credits)

Choose one of the following:

  • ARH 1510 Language of Art
  • ARH 2530 Survey of Art History I
  • ARH 2540 Survey of Art History II
  • MUS 1510 Survey of Music in Western Civilization
  • MUS 1520 Jazz and Popular Culture
  • THE 1620 Survey of Theatre
  • 3 credits in applied music, ensemble, or voice class

MATHEMATICS (3 credits)

  • MAT 1050 College Algebra or higher (except MAT 1060 and MAT 2060)

Mathematics 1005 and/or 1015 as needed. Entry level is determined by scores attained on standardized ACT/SAT and high school English and mathematics grades.

NATURAL SCIENCE (3-4 credits)

  • One Lab Science beginning with one of the following prefixes: BIO, CHE, GSC, PHY, or SCI

SOCIAL SCIENCE (3 credits)

  • One 3-credit course from the following disciplines: Economics, Political Science, Psychology or Sociology

WELLNESS (2-3 credit hours)

  • WEL 1010 CPR/Lifetime Activities and either WEL 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 or 2350 Intercollegiate Sports OR
  • WEL 2180 Concepts of Fitness and Nutrition


  • Students choose a 3-4 credit course from the fine arts, humanities, mathematics, computer science, natural sciences, foreign languages, and/or social sciences.

LIBRARY COMPETENCY (0 credit hours)***

Computer & Oral Communication Competency Requirements*

Students who pass a competency test for CME 1510 and/or CSC 1000 will not be required to take the class for which a test is passed. Passing a competency test does provide credit nor serve as a course attempt but will satisfy the respective general education CME and/or CSC requirement(s). Students are permitted one single attempt to pass a CSC 1000 and/or CME 1510 competency test.  Both tests are administered on a pass/fail basis and at no charge to the student.

Methodist University Journey**

Students are exempt from Methodist University Journey (MUJ) 1100, 2200, and 3300 if either one of the following applies:

  • Students have completed First Year Seminar (FYS 1100) prior to August 2019.
  • Students who are over 21 years of age or who have successfully completed 12 credit hours or more of transfer credit at an accredited college or university before entering Methodist University. Credit received by AP, IB, CLEP, DSST, ACTFL or Dual Enrollment are excluded from the exemption.
  • Students who are officially enrolled in a fully online degree program offered through MU Online.

Library Competency Requirement ***

Students at Methodist University are required to complete a Library Competency class to graduate. A student must pass the Library Competency with a grade of 70 or higher prior to completing 60 credit hours.

Liberal Arts Elective

  1. The Liberal Arts Elective includes courses in the following areas designated as Liberal Arts in the catalog: Fine Arts, Humanities (ENG, HIS, GEO, PHI, REL, or WRI), Mathematics (MAT), Computer Science (CSC), Natural Science (BIO, CHE, GSC, PHY, or SCI), Foreign Language (FRE, GER, SPA, or LAN), Social Science (ECO, PSC, PSY, or SOC), and WST 2000. Only the following courses are Liberal Arts Electives for Fine Arts: ARH 1510, 2530, 2540, 3530, 3540; MUS 1510, 1520, 1600, 1610; THE 1620, 1630, 2000, 3650, or 3 credit hours in applied music/ensemble or theatre ensemble.
  2. A course required in the major that does not have a prefix of that major, such as CHE in the biology major, ENG in the engineering major, or CSC in the mathematics major, may be used as the liberal arts elective as long as the student does not also have a minor or double major in those respective disciplines.
  3. Courses in areas listed above that emphasize professional preparation and pedagogy cannot be used to fulfill the Liberal Arts Elective. The following courses are not Liberal Arts Electives: LAN 2600, LAN 3300, MAT 1060, and MAT 2060.
  4. Developmental courses cannot be used to fulfill the Liberal Arts Elective. The following courses are not Liberal Arts Electives: ENG 1000; ESL 0910, 0920, 0960, 0970, 1210, 1220; and MAT 1005 and 1015.
  5. Courses that fulfill the General Education curriculum outside the Liberal Arts Elective may not be used to fulfill the Liberal Arts Elective.
  6. Special Topics courses may not be used to fulfill the Liberal Arts Elective.
  7. Courses considered to be capstone courses by any program may not be used to fulfill the Liberal Arts Elective.

Global Perspectives Elective

Any course listed below (minimum 3 credits) may be used to fulfill the global perspective elective requirement as long as it is outside the major, minor, or concentration.  This means courses such as HIS 1030 or REL 1030 can double count as fulfilling both humanities and global perspective requirements.

ACC 4620 International Accounting HIS 3700 Contemporary World History
ARH 2530 Survey of Art History I HIS 3850 Special Topics: Medieval Britain
BUS 3310 Fundamentals of International Business IDS 3550/4550 Study Abroad
BUS 3330 International Business Experience International Internship
BUS 4850 Special Topics: International Law LAN 3200 Introduction to Linguistics
CME 3600 Exploring Cross Cultural Communication LAW 2510 Caribbean Environmental Management & Law
ECO 4200 Comparative Economic Systems LSS 2850 Special Topics: Ultimate Journey
ECO 4520 International Trade and Finance MKT 4100 Global Marketing
ECO 4650 Economic Growth and Development PSC 1080 Politics and Sport
ENG 2950/ENG 3950 Study Abroad in English PSC 2270 Comparative Politics
ENG 3420 Women’s Literature PSC 3470 American Foreign Policy
ENG 3520 Global Perspectives in Literature PSC 3510 International Relations
ENG 3710 Literature of Chaucer PSC 4010 European Politics
ENG 3730 Literature of Medieval England PSC 4020 Middle East Politics
ENG 3740 Literature of Shakespeare PSC 4040 Politics in East Asia
ENG 3920 Victorian Literature: Social Justice & Industry in the 19th Century PSC 4050 Latin American Politics
ENG 3020 Modernist Literature PSC 4400 International Organizations
ENG 3030 Contemporary Literature PSC 4510 International Political Economy
ENG 3750 Literature of Jane Austen REL 1030 Introduction to Religion
ENG 3760 Literature of Charles Dickens REL 1070 Religion and Film
ENG 4850 Special Topics: Wales and London REL 1500 Religions of Asia
Foreign Language REL 1510 Monotheistic Religions
GEO 2520 Regional Geography REL 2010 Survey of Hebrew Bible
HIS 1030 World History I REL 2020 Survey of the New Testament
HIS 1040 World History II REL 3020 Jesus and the Gospels
HIS 2170 Race and Ethnicity in Global Perspective REL 4040 Myth and Culture
HIS 3010 Modern Asian History REL 4050 Early Christianity
HIS 3250 Modern History REL 4060 Reformation Europe
HIS 3310 Topics in Latin American History SOC 2530 Global Social Problems
LAW 4850 Special Topics: International Law SOC 2560 Cultural Anthropology

The listed courses may not be offered every semester; the courses will be identified with the letters (GP) throughout the academic catalog.