General Shelton Leadership Camp
Sunday, June 22 – Friday June 27, 2025
The Lura S. Tally Center for Leadership Development is proud to bring the General Shelton Leadership Camp to Methodist University!
About the Shelton Leadership Camp
The General Shelton Leadership Camp is a one-week summer residential experience for rising freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors in high school that takes place on the campus of Methodist University in Fayetteville, N.C. The Shelton Leadership Camp is designed to help students expand their knowledge and skills of what it takes to be an effective leader. General Shelton’s cornerstones of values-based leadership – honesty, integrity, compassion, diversity, and social responsibility – are the foundations of the experience. The core curriculum focuses on leadership roles and accountability, team building, leadership styles and situations, social responsibility, integrity as a leader, public speaking, changing behaviors, and goal setting.
Cost to Attend
The cost to attend is $650 for the week-long residential summer leadership camp. This includes the deposit, lodging, meals, all curriculum materials, low and high ropes training, transportation during the week, and evening activities.
Various scholarships are available:
- Early Bird Scholarships for registrations before March 1
- Previous Camper Scholarships for students who attended last year
- MU Staff and Faculty Scholarships for campers whose parents work at Methodist University
- Multiple Family Member Scholarships for families with two or more brothers and sisters attending
- Needs-based scholarships (as funds allow)
Contact Ms. Jacqueline Lilge below for information on all of these scholarships.
When submitting your application, please include a $100 deposit to reserve your spot in the program. The balance is due by May 15, 2025. Upon acceptance into the camp, you will be sent a link to pay online using a credit card, or where to mail your payment if paying by check.
If the applicant is not accepted, the $100 will be refunded. If an accepted applicant chooses not to attend the program, the deposit will not be refunded.
How to Apply
See our Online Application and Reference Forms below. Please fill out the application and have two references fill out the references form. Applications will be accepted only until all camper spots are filled. We are accepting only 30 campers this year. Campers will be selected on a first-come, first-served basis. Get your application in TODAY!
Application Links
Contact the Camp Director
Eugenia Johnson, Ph.D.

Contact the Assistant Camp Director for Administration
Jacqueline Lilge