Computer Science class at Methodist University

College of Business, Technology, & Professional Studies

The College of Business, Technology, & Professional Studies at Methodist University prides itself on providing academic rigor in a nurturing environment while allowing students find excellent opportunities to work with faculty mentors in performing undergraduate research. The following divisions, departments, and programs are including within the College of Business, Technology & Professional Studies: The Reeves School of Business, the Computer Science & Computer Information Technology Department, the Mathematics & Data Science Department, the Teacher Education Program, and the Engineering & Environmental Studies Division.

College Administration

Tat W. Chan, Ph.D.

Dean, College of Business, Technology & Professional Studies; Professor of Computer Science
Dr. Tat Chan

Samantha Inczauskis, MBA

Assistant Dean for MU Online, College of Business, Technology & Professional Studies; Assistant Professor of Marketing
Samantha Inczauskis

Lynell Wharton

Administrative Assistant, College of Business, Technology & Professional Studies/Education Dept.
Lynell Wharton